Leaders Menswear supports #ChampionGreen
Leaders Menswear are very proud to pledge our support for #ChampionGreen.
But what is it all about you might ask?
You might have already spotted the beautiful green butterfly fluttering around on social media accompanied by #ChampionGreen. Champion Green is a national movement with a grand coalition of government, industry, business, and the public to support each other and drive the recovery of our communities and economy after the COVID-19 crisis.
As you are more than aware, Ireland has suffered a huge economic shock as a result of the global pandemic. Without a stable and thriving economy, we don’t have energetic communities – many people have lost their jobs and businesses are suffering – especially small, local businesses.
However, rather than focus on the challenges, the Champion Green initiative gives us a tangible way to lift each other.
The objective of Champion Green is quite simple really.
Thriving communities need support. If every adult in Ireland spent just €20 extra a week in small businesses, this would equate to an injection of €875 million to the local economy over a 12-week period. – WOW! That translates to sustainable employment but even more importantly vibrant and energetic communities and creative and cultural industries right across our island.
Lasting change comes from commitment. Champion Green aims to educate people on the importance of supporting local and to encourage people to choose consciously.
So what we’re asking of people is to support local makers, designers and businesses in Ireland by buying from them, recommending them and choosing more consciously when you shop.
Champion Green. Support Local.
For more information about Champion Green and to Pledge Your Support visit: https://championgreen.ie/